Ross Dempsey

Ph.D. student in physics at Princeton

I am an NSF Graduate Research Fellow studying high-energy theory at Princeton, advised by Silviu Pufu.

I study the physics of quantum field theories. The goal is to understand behaviors like the confinement of quarks in quantum chromodynamics using non-perturbative methods. I primarily work on applying Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory to low-dimensional gauge theories, and applying the conformal bootstrap to superconformal field theories. See my publications for more details.

I am also involved in outreach efforts at Princeton and with the National Science Bowl.

You might be looking for:

  • My tool for drawing Feynman diagrams and generating tikz-feynman code
  • Undergraduate Physics in a Hurry, a rapid review of undergraduate physics with 100+ solved problems from Princeton’s preliminary exam in physics. I am in the process of turning this into a book with Princeton Press, co-authored with Andy Leifer. When that is complete, the draft version will no longer be available here.

selected publications

  1. Discrete chiral symmetry and mass shift in the lattice Hamiltonian approach to the Schwinger model
    Ross Dempsey, Igor R. Klebanov, Silviu S. Pufu, and Bernardo Zan
    Phys. Rev. Res., Nov 2022
  2. Bootstrapping N = 4 super-Yang-Mills on the conformal manifold
    Shai M. Chester, Ross Dempsey, and Silviu S. Pufu
    JHEP, Nov 2023
  3. Lattice Hamiltonian for adjoint QCD2
    Ross Dempsey, Igor R. Klebanov, Silviu S. Pufu, and Benjamin T. Søgaard
    JHEP, Nov 2024